Welcome Brigid Meyers to Sweet Water!

We Have a new Watershed Program Coordinator here at Sweet Water! Brigid is joining our team and answered some questions about herself.

SWWT: Where are you from?

Brigid : I grew up on the salty shorelines of Long Island in New York. I further explored the state when I journeyed to upstate for college to get Bachelors in Environmental Sustainability.

How did you end up in Wisconsin?

I found my passion was freshwater sciences during my undergraduate and knew I wanted to learn more about it. I found the University of Wisconsin of Milwaukee's School of Freshwater Sciences and knew that it was the perfect place to pursue my passion. I took the journey in August of 2020 and have been here since!

How did you hear about Sweet Water?

When I first moved to Milwaukee I wanted to get myself familiar with environmental organizations in the area. Sweet Water caught my attention for its conservation efforts and being located in the same building where I was studying for my masters degree.

Where did your interest in water resource issues come from?

During my undergraduate degree, I took a field course which brought me to Lake Atitlán in Guatemala. I was able to get hands-on experience with water monitoring techniques as well as directly see the impacts of poor water quality on human health. A passion was ignited during that trip to become a part of the solution for water resource related issues.

What are your hobbies and other interests?

I enjoy outdoor related activities like kayaking, hiking, camping, and just generally being outside. Since I am new to Wisconsin, I have been exploring the state to get more familiar with the local environment.

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