Welcome Claire to Sweet Water!


We have a new Project Coordinator here at Sweet Water! Sweet Water partners with Marshfield Health Clinic, to host AmeriCorps members who work with us to address environmental health concerns that intersect with water quality issues. Claire joined us to work on projects that will assess and improve our stormwater education programs!

Claire answered some questions about herself and how she decided to spend a year of service with Sweet Water.

SWWT: Where are you from?

Claire: I lived in Upstate New York until I was 7 and we moved to Manitowoc, Wisconsin where I graduated high school. I started college at Saint Norbert in De Pere where I studied international studies and political science before transferring to Loyola University of Chicago where I graduated with a bachelor’s in social work.

How did you come to serve with Sweet Water?

I moved to Milwaukee in April of 2021. I enrolled as a masters student at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in their sustainable peace building program. Through this program I have had the opportunity to be exposed to a wide variety of projects and issues. As my first semester went on, I realized I had a passion for the community I have decided to call home and wanted to do more to improve the quality of life and overall sustainability of the city.

What exactly is AmeriCorps?

AmeriCorps is a government, business, and corporation funded, service-based volunteer program that extends across the country. The goal of aiding community’s critical needs is completed through educating the youth, fighting poverty, and assisting in environmental issues that affect community health. The role I play here is to help communities meet and improve their water quality standards.

How did you become interested in Sustainable Peacebuilding?

I have always been interested in international relations and thought I would go into politics. When the pandemic hit and traveling became nearly impossible, I had to think about other ways that my passion for service and development can be used. I didn’t have one specific field I was more interested in than another so this program through UWM, allows me to gain knowledge in multiple fields. Through this exploration I have found I am most passionate about environmental issues.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I enjoy going on walks or hikes with my dog when the weather is nice. I love to read books of all kinds. On the weekends, I spend time at my boyfriend’s family cabin. In the summer, I love swimming in the lake up there and enjoying my time outside.

What would you like to do when your service year with AmeriCorps is done?

I am hoping to serve more than one AmeriCorps term (specifically AmeriCorps VISTA), but I have one more year of schooling before I graduate. I am just focused on making the most out of the current experience and opportunities in front of me.

We’re so excited to work with Claire this year!

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