Welcome Elena Seidenglanz-Bowes to Sweet Water!

We have a new Environmental Outreach Coordinator here at Sweet Water! Each year, Sweet Water partners with Marshfield Health Clinic, to host an AmeriCorps member for a year of service. Elena is joining the team to help us advance environmental health in southeastern Wisconsin communities by focusing on educating and involving residents in actions to improve water quality and watershed health.

Elena answered some questions about himself and how he decided to spend a year of service with Sweet Water.

Where are you from?

I grew up in rainy, idyllic Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. From there I headed south to earn my B.A. in Psychology from American University in DC. Until recently I was living in Austin, Texas and am excited to check out a new region!

How did you become interested in environmental issues?

Environmental issues have been a constant in my life starting from when I was young. My first job was as a shepherd at an organic farm and I continued by volunteering for CSAs and with the horticulture department of Ladybird Johnson’s Wildflower Center. My passion has always been helping people and I am now doing this through the lens of environmentalism.

How did you come to serve with Sweet Water?

I was already relocating to Wisconsin and finding this position posted with Sweet Water was kismet! Living through the dry summers of Texas has provided me with a helpful reframe of the value of fresh water and Sweet Water is already doing the work I was hoping to participate in.

Why did you choose to take a term of service with AmeriCorps in place of a traditional job?

I have always been passionate about conservation in my personal life and serving will provide me with the ability to merge that with my career. AmeriCorps is a program that connects their members with opportunities they care about and am excited to be able to finally join in on the kind of work that matters to me. 

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time, I devote myself to rebuilding the hanging gardens of Babylon in my apartment. I also like to read, create visual art, and climb mountains with my dog, Dan.

What would you like to do when your service year with AmeriCorps is complete?

After my year of service, I am planning to apply to graduate school in the future and want to expand upon the work I am starting to do here!

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