Welcome Erin Povak to Sweet Water!

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We have a new Watershed Program Manager here at Sweet Water! Erin is joining our team and told us a little about her personal and professional experiences that led her to working with Sweet Water.

SWWT: Are you originally from Wisconsin?

Erin: I grew up in Milwaukee County but moved out west after graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I wanted to start my career but at the time was seeking adventure, and the west did not disappoint. I started in NV, then lived in a pickup truck while doing field research in Tahoe, CA, then found my home in Seattle where I stayed for 12 years. Throughout it all I always missed Milwaukee and hoped I’d end up back here one day.  

How did you learn about Sweet Water?

I actually had my eye on the organization a few years before moving back here when I was working on stormwater pollution mitigation efforts in Seattle. I always liked to keep my thumb on the pulse of what was happening in Milwaukee in terms of environmental sustainability/conservation efforts and Sweet Water definitely has a presence in the water quality realm, and I took note.

Can you describe your professional background?

I am passionate about science, the outdoors, and environmental protection so everything I’ve done up to this point has fallen under the umbrella of sustainability. I started in forestry, conducting vegetation surveys and managing urban restoration projects but I wanted to broaden my reach. After earning an MPA with a policy focus, I worked on waste reduction strategies in the private sector and most recently I was directing programs aimed at reducing stormwater pollution through partnerships with industry, small business, diverse communities and government. I am very grateful to continue working to protect water resources, especially in the Milwaukee River Basin.

Where did your interest in water come from?

It was very special to grow up next to this large, unique body of freshwater. When you live here, the lake can become part of everyday life - we see it each day, it impacts our microclimate, it’s where we recreate and find solitude. For me, the lake and the supporting basin feeds an endless curiosity about ecology/hydrology, the role water played in supporting the communities that thrived here, how the resource is utilized today and how the system is impacted by our actions. I’m interested in water because I grew up near Lake Michigan and never took it for granted. 

 What do you do when you aren’t at work?

I spend time with my family. We’ve got two children and love to take them on adventures exploring both the natural and urban landscape. I also am a dance teacher and have been happily involved in that pursuit for over 20 years!

We’re so excited to work with Erin! Her experiences and obvious passion for Lake Michigan and water quality make her a great addition to the team!

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